VipHouses Investments is the synthesis of decades of experience and professionalism acquired by the founder, Vito Paparella, in the roles of owner, legal representative and administrator in several transnational corporations through the creation, management and successful disposal of the same.

These experiences gained in various financial, economic and commercial sectors, have allowed him to generate an income structure by combining the real estate market with the financial one.

The result is an automatic, repetitive and secure income system

The income “flywheel” is generated by the fusion of the real estate market characterized by solid real estate for the peculiar characteristics of uniqueness, physicality and immobility, with the financial market characterized by profitability.

The corporate “modus operandi” is structured as follows:

  • Definition of objectives and constraints (definition of risk and capital willing to invest)
  • Investment duration
  • Property type
  • Investment vehicle structure
  • Financial Leverage
  • Contribution levers at national and/or European level
  • Levers of improvement of real estate assets (renovation operations, alignment of the property to the current building structures with particular attention to ecology, access to the structure to people “differently abled” and operations of “home staging”).

The cycle closes with the disposal of the upgraded property (identifying the most favorable time period and market conditions), and the subsequent reopening of a new cycle with the inclusion of a new investor.

Our fly wheel for“ financial freedom”